Kheni Amariyo


Kheni Amariyo is a longterm Bard who has journeyed the lands of Eorzea and beyond for many long years. She is the sundered, reborn soul of Azem, who was Persephone in her past life. They share many of the same traits, however she does not have the entire memory of Persephone, just bits and pieces, or strange feelings like she should know about certain events.

Explore below to learn more about both Kheni and Persephone and what they've been up to throughout their lives.

Kheni Gallery

Persephone Gallery

Kheni Headcanons

Kheni keeps the memory crystal of Azem on her at all times in hopes of learning more about her past life.

No matter what happened, good or bad, between her and Emet-Selch, she loved him very much and has been mourning him ever since his passing.

She is generally a relatively upbeat person, and loves adventuring, however her latest trials have taken a little of that away from her for a time afterward.

While helping restore the Firmament in Ishgard she was coaxed into playing piano at the celebration, which awakened her playing abilities from her past life as Persephone.

Kheni tends to sketch or paint her surroundings when she's able on her adventures. Keeping memories of where she's been is important to her as she likes to learn about the different cultures and areas. She did this in her past life as Persephone as well.

Persephone Headcanons

Persephone has many similiarities with her originating Greek myths. Her time away on her journeys is the equivalent of her having to be in the overworld for part of the year, while the rest of the time she spends at Hades' side as his adoring Queen of the Underworld.

She loves to give Hades a hard time just to see the exasperated expressions on his face that she finds adorable.

There is nothing Persephone loves more than returning home after a long journey and being surrounded by Hades' aether. Being close to him is incredibly important for her, as he makes her feel like she's home.

She's usually very submissive to Hades when she first returns home, but her more 'aggressive' self will return within the next days.

Even though Persephone cannot see souls herself, she enjoys mixing her aether with Hades' - almost in a sense of spiritually holding hands.

At times when she's home she loves playing piano with Hades, feeling the music makes her incredibly happy.

Persephone will create paintings of her whereabouts while she's away and then use her magic to turn them into small version she can carry in her pocket. She always keeps a small painting of Amaurot with her.